

MY EXPERIENCE BEING  A  PART OF TRAINOBMENT PROGRAM        Enormayu is an E-Learning platform which has introduced the new concept called Trainobment -Training over job placement.The trainobment program includes personality development ,career development,profile branding,aptitude,interview preparation etc using modern technology to help students,graduates,freshers and experienced professionals to land in their dream job. Here I would like to share some of the activities and tasks I have learned through this trainobment program. Stress and Time Management      These are  the most  important things we need in our life. This program helped us to overcome stress and helped us to manage our time. Time management helps us to overcome stress and helps us to make the right decision in our life. Trainobment program first taught us about the effects of stress and also solutions to overcome these stress . They also taught us to manage our time through a to-do list which was very useful for me